Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

Projet AAP ARC6 (2015-18)

Participants : Olivier Simonin, Anne Spalanzani, Fabrice Valois [Insa de Lyon, Inria Urbanet] .

Regional project (Rhône-Alpes) "Mobilité au sein de flottes de robots sous contrainte de maintien de la connectivité" ARC6, 2015-2018. Leader : O. Simonin.

This project funds the PhD thesis of Mihai-Ioan Popescu, who started on november 2015, and co-advized by O. Simonin, A. Spalanzani and F. Valois. The project involves also the Pole de compétitivité "Via Meca".

Projet AAP ARC6 (2016-19)

Participants : Gérard Bailly [CNRS, GIPSA Lab. Grenoble] , Olivier Simonin, Anne Spalanzani.

Regional project (Rhône-Alpes) "TENSIVE Robots de TEléprésence : Navigation Sociale et Interaction VErbale immersives" ARC6, 2016-2019. Leader : G. Bailly.

This project funds the PhD thesis of Remi Cambuzat who started on october 2016, and co-advized by G. Bailly (Dir.), O. Simonin and A. Spalanzani.